Patrick Shallow

Chief Executive Officer
Phone: +353 (01) 7163671
Mobile: +353 (0) 87 8167097
I am a Fellow of The Institute of Bankers, with 30 years’ experience, having worked with Bank of Ireland, Standard Bank of SA and also as CEO of two building societies, viz the Metropolitan and the Ireland Benefit.
In 1990, based on my intimate, insider knowledge of international best practice and of banking procedures, products and policies, I established Finalysis Ltd to add value to corporate banking and treasury management, variously ,by optimizing corporate borrowings via structured finance, interest rate management , liquidity and currency risk management, treasury systems and transaction charges.
Multinational and the larger domestic clients of Finalysis Ltd number +350; clients of Finalysis UK ltd, franchised into the UK, (and recently acquired by Aquila Services) number +250
In 2001, while working on my PhD, I established CreditExpo to provide software and consulting services to Banks, Credit Unions, and other lenders, to measure and manage credit risk, compliance reporting and profitability maximization.
Credit Expo clients include: Bank of Ireland, AIB, Permanent Tsb Finance, GE Money and many credit unions
I holds a B Comm Law, an MSc in Economics and a PhD in Banking